Not only do you have possibly the most beautiful game play that we have ever seen, you also have a delicately unwinding story that leads you down the path of discovery. There is more to it than just being a park ranger though, there are weird and strange things happening in the local community and in the forest that you are watching. You’ll pick up litre, return lost children to their parents. You are a ranger in the forest, watching for fires and making sure the park remains in good shape.

If you love beautiful scenes but relaxed game play, fire watch maybe the one for you, especially if you are trying to wind down before bed.

Some people call it ugly, but what it is, is a break from being overwhelmed with everything in game play, it gives you a much needed reprieve to enjoy the story you are undertaking. It follows the age-old narrative of a human trying to get out of the underworld, all in 155MB. It looks as though it hails from the late 1980’s to early 1990’s and is fantastic. It just goes to show that you don’t need CPU hogging games in order to have a good time or graphics that blow your mind every time you turn your MacBook Air on. Undertale goes against the grain of the other games we have reviewed. If you want an immersive game that doesn’t involve too much shooting, then this is the one for you.

Game, you wake up drunk in a motel room with no idea how you got there, no one is really any help and it is up to you to forge your own path, figure out what happened and uncover your identity in the process. We love this game for its originality and the fact that you can play it seamlessly on a MacBook Air. If raiding tombs and first-person shooters aren’t your thing, what about being a drunk detective? Yes, you read that right, a drunk detective. Overwatch really has flown under the radar for some time and we can’t fully understand why, seeing as how it won game of the year in 2017. What makes overwatch so good is the number of free updates you get on a regular basis, these include outfits, weapons and new parts of the game. It is an open world shooter game and has roughly 30 million members worldwide. Overwatch is another game that has been developed for Mac and is awesome to play on the MacBook air.